
Thursday, March 31, 2005

More of Aprils Drawings..

These are just a couple of the quality drawings that my sister APRIL otherwise known as LIRPA has done. Enjoy them and then scoot on over to her page. <--- click here

The Other Self Portrait

There is a very good reason that this wasn't published....
But here it is..Now can any one figure out why this is not my "Greatest Work?"

The reason is that this was created with help of a computer program, I cannot remember what it was called. But anyhow I like it as a thumbnail or icon but I did not do it. If I remember correctly the style is 'Rembrant' and it uses a scanned image and transform's it into various styles and empressions of real life works. I have actully hated this image as it what I have tried so hard in the past to capture and failed. You see an artist's greatest challenge is the self portrait because your own personnal bias tricks you into doing the wrong things. so enjoy but not to much he he

nuff said...Larry

Self Portrait 2