Drawing INKorporated
This is a NEW Blogpage dedicated to the artistic works of young and old alike. It is started with some of my own previous work and if you have a drawing that you would like to post here just email me through my profile and I will give limited acces to do so. there will be art posted of all calibers of skill and ahem..yes there could be some revealing attire so if you are not looking to see it don't look around here. nuff said NorthRockHead
this is good work. I like the intensity in the eyes you have been able to convey from your personal introspection and onto the canvas.
All this, and you can sing too!
Dale Persinger
I keep coming back to this one, and now I set it as my desktop background. You have really achieved a focused, almost x-ray view of yourself here. It looks as though the skin is removed exposing the musculature beneath. It takes courage to work yourself to this level, and you definitely display a primal energy here. You have a lot of talent.
Wow. Thanks, I was wondering if anyone was going to comment on this.
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